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Monday, February 20, 2012

Today I had a Sherlock marathon at Sally's!

I woke up late and dashed out of the house to get there, it was a short drive, one I made all by myself- an achievement I am quite proud of!

There were only 4 of us there at first, and with Alan being the only guest scheduled to attend that had not seen the show, we started him off so that everyone else could join in later but not be confused.

Long story short, we marathoned 5 of the 6 episodes, skipping Blind Banker because we all agreed it was the weakest episode of the series and we really wanted to get to the end of the series! By the time everyone was there, it was just an all out party! We had discussions about the show, crack filled fun and began formulating a plan for our very own cosplay group!

Some of my favourite quotes from the evening;
"I will make you beg for mercy, SOSHITE, I will make you beg for mercy!"
"....Cee, why are you eating out of a cup?"
"Do yoo like gemuus ah, Mista Horrumusu?"
(Why are all these quotes from Christie?)

The night also involved an impossible game of Cluedo, which, trust a Sherlock marathon to bring this to light; proves that it is in fact possible for the murderer to have been the victim.

Thank you so much to Sally and family for having us all, it was an amazing day! Absolutely amazing, it had been a long time since I had so much fun! I cannot wait for our Sherlock cosplay group!

(I would write more, but I am quite tired and have to work in the morning!)

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♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
1:49 AM
0 commented

♥ Time to blow off the dust!

Oh, wow!

Has it really been an entire year since I last updated this blog?

I suppose Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook distracted me from my many internet social ... mediums, haha!

I recently rediscovered the urge to blog (With thanks to John's blog, I believe), although I don't know if I prefer to move blogs rather than staying here. I do want this domain name though, so it would make no sense to move to a new one, but I also want to use a different account.

More than likely, I will just give this blog a major revamp. But there are also chances that I will move to a new blog. We shall see. For the time being, I will be making a short post about the day I had today and we shall see where things go :)



♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
12:57 AM
0 commented

Thursday, January 13, 2011

♥ Broken hearts and shattered dreams

I received the heartbreaking news that James was no longer available to make a video with us the other day.
Naturally I was absolutely shattered, having looked forward to this for a month now and it having been the thing I was looking forward to this year :(
It's been a couple of days now and I thought I was okay but I don't listen to his songs the same way anymore which makes me really sad! I think I'm just mourning what could have been. I had always thought it was too good to be true, but after a month it was sinking in. I know it's not all bad, I mean now I don't have to find a way to separate friend and stalker... It only upsets me when it's brought up, so hopefully I'll find ways to distract myself and eventually forget about it. Hopefully.

All my wishes go to Brisbane and the flood victims. While I was so busy feeling that James had turned his back on me, I forgot that he was up in Brisbane's CBD! Wicked has been postponed for a while because the theatre is right next to the Brisbane river, which is a a great concern.
I'm concerned about our Brisbane trip as well... that's not for another month, but still.

In completely unrelated news. I finally got off my butt and bought some new shoes.

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♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
11:51 PM
0 commented

Friday, January 7, 2011


Yesterday was my Grandfather's big 80th birthday! So naturally we went out for an awesome family dinner which was awesome. It was the first time we've had a cake at a birthday in quite some time. We did it a lot when I was younger, but my family just doesn't eat cake anymore- it's quite disappointing!

Anyway, we finished maybe 2/3s of it, so the remaining third was left to the one person in the family that stuff themselves with dessert at any given opportunity. ME.

This was my late lunch/early afternoon tea today. I had noodles for early lunch/late breakfast, so it wasn't the first thing I ate all day!

There's still a lot left and not a lot of time before it goes off...


And how goes 2011? Well I've been doing alright, I already feel closer to a lot of friends, it's so great! Also, next week I'm finally meeting James' manager so we can talk about the music video project we're doing this year! Eeeeee, so excited! :D

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♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
11:14 PM
0 commented

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 was an amazing year for me!
In 2010, I got my first (second and third) job, I got my P plates, I traveled alone for the first time, I saw Burimyu live- the show that changed my life 3 years ago, I fell in love for the first time, I was told I was loved for the first time, I made new friends and discovered new things.
I shook hands with the leader of the Bleach musicals and made some physical contact and eye contact with several of the others.

I had so many firsts; first job, first time traveling alone, first time I drove alone, first time I met and chatting with an actor I admired, first time I fell in love and was loved... in 2010, it's the start of a new decade and it's been one heck of start!

I look forward to 2011! Bring it on!

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♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
4:43 AM
0 commented

Thursday, December 23, 2010


There's a crepe shop in the city!!! I haven't had a crepe in so long!

I got a choco-banana one!

I want another one.


♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
12:14 AM
0 commented

Saturday, December 11, 2010

♥ Snowbaaaall

A jam donut that came with my lunch the other day. They called it a snowball! - I suppose it was the icing sugar dusted on top, hahaha. It was really good! It's a donut with hot jam inside; gooey like a chocolate fondant! Mmm, but so sticky!

I've been working about 6 days a week lately, it's quite tiring but I think I will really miss it when Christmas comes! I don't want to lose this job, it's just too bad it is only a seasonal job!

Having to buy lunch at the food court all of the time is a pain though! Haha.

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♥ Tomorrow will be a HALLELUJAH
6:35 PM
0 commented

♥ Where is my Body?


Welcome! This is "Another Earth".
The title, and any other quote you find amongst the layout of this blog, are lyrics from the [ROCK MUSICAL BLEACH] series..
I'm Cee, and this is my blog.

Bookmarks for sale
Ameba/Japanese blog
my DOLLHOUSE/artblog

♥ Song For You;

♥ No Clouds;

♥ Unchanging Feelings;